Herald Prep
Join Herald Prep today to build a deep, solid understanding in IB, AP courses and ACT test.
Herald Prep is one of the largest test-prep platform to help students achieve the best score in AP, IB and ACT.
Experienced teachers in the US join Herald Prep to create academic test-prep content and lectures for college admission.
Herald Prep Courses
AP Calculus | AP Statistics | AP Physics |
AP Chemistry | AP English Literature and Composition |
AP US History World History |
AP Economics | AP English Literature and Composition | AP English Language and Composition |
IB Mathematics | IB Physics | IB Chemistry |
IB Biology | IB Psychology | IB History |
IB English Language and Literature | IB Economics | IB Business Management |
ACT English | ACT Math | ACT Reading |
ACT Science | AIME-Math Competition | AMC-Math Competition |
GED-General Educational Development |